I am very proud and deeply honored to be recognized by my peers for my career in school communications. Some colleagues and friends have asked that I post the introduction of me by NSPRA President Joe Krumm and my acceptance speech. Enjoy!
National School Public Relations 2013 Seminar July 8, 2013
First General Session of the Manchester Grand
Hyatt, San Diego, CA Presentation of the President’s Award by NSPRA President Joe Krumm, APR

The people who receive this award are true
professionals in every sense of the word. It is my privilege this morning to introduce someone who is not
only a highly respected communication strategist and advisor, a wise and
generous mentor, and a passionate advocate for public education, but also a
great friend and colleague.
Tom DeLapp is president of his own company,
Communication Resources for Schools in Rocklin, California. A communication veteran with over 35 years of
experience in the public, private and non-profit sectors, Tom is an active
contributor to the body of knowledge that school communication professionals
need in order to be successful practitioners of the craft.
Along with an extensive grasp of education issues and
communication challenges at the national level, Tom has an impressive ability
to “dial in” and focus on specific regions of the country, making him a
sought-after strategic advisor and invaluable resource to NSPRA members from
coast to coast. He has long been a “go to” expert when a district or NSPRA colleague
has a crisis or difficult PR challenge, and is one of the first to pick up the
phone and offer assistance, no matter the situation. Whether it is contentious labor negotiations, sticky personnel
actions, natural disasters, school shootings and campus crime situations,
attendance boundary disputes, environmental issues, bond elections, reputation
management, or just your everyday solid communication planning, Tom is the one
you want on your speed-dial.
As one colleague describes him, “Tom is the go-to guy when big school districts need big help getting out of big league
Tom is adamant that every school district and educational agency
needs a strategic communications professional on staff and he is dedicated to
convincing school leaders of that need. This is evident in how successful he has been in influencing
countless superintendents to create school PR positions, even if it meant he
would lose them as a client. And once a new position is created, Tom is there to mentor and
support that colleague so that their success is ensured; and I know there are a
few of you here today who are a testament to his efforts.
In 2001, Tom and NSPRA Past President Bob Noyed took the seed of
an idea and grew it into the NSPRA New Professionals Program, which has since
helped close to 150 members find their “PR legs” and build successful careers
on a sound foundation of theory and practice.
Tom received the Barry Gaskins Mentor Legacy Award in 2006, and
served on the NSPRA Executive Board as Southwest Region Vice President from
1998-2001. He continues to serve NSPRA and our members, as a counselor-on-call,
providing workshops and presentations, and wherever else he is needed.
An eternal optimist, he doesn’t know the meaning of the word “no.”
He is now working to help cultivate and “grow” education foundations in
California and currently serves as a vice president on the Board of Directors
of the California Consortium of Education Foundations, helping
them to focus on strategic planning, programs and fund development.
Throughout the course of an impressive career, Tom DeLapp has distinguished himself as
a tireless professional and champion for public schools and children. He
generously shares his time and expertise and continues to make a positive
difference for education, our profession, and NSPRA.
Will you all please join me in recognizing our 2013 Presidents
Award recipient, Tom DeLapp!
“Leaving a
Legacy of Leadership”
Acceptance Speech by Tom DeLapp, Recipient of the
2013 President’s Award
At the National School Public Relations Association
Seminar in San Diego, July 8, 2013
Thank you so very
much Joe.
This is a one of those moments in life --- a hallmark --- that will forever be etched in my memory, so excuse me if I savor it for a moment. This is awesome!
This ranks right up
there with the first glimpse of my high school sweetheart as she walked down the
aisle toward me in her wedding dress 41 years ago. She turned my knees weak
then and she still takes my breath away today. She holds the marker for a debt
of gratitude I can never repay for her years of tolerating my ridiculously
optimistic attitude, my crazy desire to work on the professional high wire
without a safety net, and for getting me to the airport on time despite my best
efforts to cram last minute details under a deadline before I took off. She’s
probably thinking right now, “Shut it down Tom, you only have 10 minutes.”
Ladies and gentlemen; my wife Jan.
Anyone who has sat
through one of my workshops knows all too well how much I talk about our kids.
This award ranks up there with the sheer enormity of the moment when they were
first born and I held them in my arms and thought, "How the hell am I
going to pay for this?”
We’ve succeeded in
raising two pretty remarkable children --- a philosopher and a drama
queen. Don’t laugh; they both have
tenure track jobs! Our college philosophy professor Kevin (or as we call him
Doctor Smarty Pants) is here with us.
His sister Kathryn is here in spirit only because she’s starting her
first day on the job as a theater teacher in the New York City public schools.
Let me also recognize
Jan’s sister Audrey Patterson and my brother-in-law Mike who have taught me
that family members can also be best friends. I am enriched by your friendship
and honored by your presence here today.

I guess in speeches
like this I’m supposed to give you some sage advice from a battle hardened
veteran; encouraging words of wisdom like:
As I’ve grown older I’ve learned that pleasing
everyone is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake, or
Dance first, think later ---
Dance like nobody is watching --- Don’t look down when you dance because it
really won’t help much --- Just Dance (and I plan to later tonight), or
Keep this in mind, everybody is somebody else’s
weirdo, or more seriously:
The quality of your character is as important as
the caliber of your work.
No one succeeds in
our profession alone. We try with a little help from our friends. We get by
with a little help from our friends. And we annually get high with a little
help from our friends. This morning is certainly a tremendous high point for me
as a professional.
Let me also offer my salute to the countless
volunteer NSPRA members who rushed in to aid the Moore Public Schools in the
aftermath of the devastating F5 tornado that tore apart their community,
schools and lives. You are heroic as true first responders who ran toward the
danger and assumed great risks. People like Kelly Arnold who devoted hours and
hours on the front lines in Moore only to have her own district offices ravaged
by the second F5 tornado a week later. Remarkable resilience and courage
demonstrated by her and her colleagues. This was a teachable moment about the
power and significance of the NSPRA network to answer the call in times of
great need.
I am humbled to be
recognized by my peers for this prestigious honor. The list of names that have received
this award is truly impressive. It includes some of the legends in our industry.
I consider them my role models and my friends. I’ve been blessed, through
NSPRA, to be surrounded by a cadre of some pretty remarkable people --- a whole
line-up of unusual suspects that have always been there for me. There are far too
many to mention all by name, but I would like to single out my home state
chapter, CalSPRA, and especially Trinette Marquis Hobbs for placing my name in
nomination. I would also like to thank Jim Dunn, Bob Noyed, Chris Tennill and
Rick Kaufman for your kind words of support. And for the countless others, your
fingerprints are all over my career. Through the years, I have tried to be
there for you as well. That’s the NSPRA way. I have a reputation for never
saying “no” and that’s a habit I intend to keep.
After I got the call
from Joe saying I was joining this illustrious company I was also struck by two
simple facts:
1. I must be getting old. Too many gray hairs,
wrinkles and scars create the benchmarks of my 40-year career in communications. I started practicing public affairs
communications before many of you were born.
2. Many
of you here this morning do not know these giants except as names in a program
or on a plaque. You may not even be aware that their footprints in our profession
form the pathways to success in your careers.
You bright rising stars might know more than we do, but we still
know some things that you haven’t learned. That reminds me of the story of the
two young fish swimming in the lake. As they were darting around with
enthusiasm an old fish calmly swam by and asked, “How’s the water boys?” The
two fingerlings just nodded and smiled at the old cod. When the old fish was
out of sight one youngster turned to the other and said, “What the hell is
I believe in you. I
am honored to have mentored some of you. My goal is to have every school
district in America recognize, employ, and value at a high level the school
communicator position. We need more of you, a lot more! You are an amazing
generation of communicators with an arsenal of communication tools at your
disposal. As you harness that
capability, I would encourage you to:
Worry more about what you communicate
than about how you communicate it
Be as concerned with high touch as much as high
tech so that we build enduring relationships of support for public education
Embrace the challenge of being the new thought
leaders of NSPRA who are unafraid to speak the truth, debunk the myths, and
challenge the loud angry voices that so want to dominate the debate about the
future of America’s children and the public schools that serve them.
In my career I have tried to be an unwavering advocate for
children who in our society are often the most vulnerable because they don’t
have a voice and don’t have a vote. We can be that voice. I am also a
passionate believer in public education as the vehicle for a brighter future
for all children. We can tell that story. And I believe we are the messengers
who can best mobilize a nation to make education its highest priority.
And I guess that
brings me to the main point I want to leave you with this morning.
Live your professional life as a Lasting Legacy
Set down an imprint
that endures by the impact of your work. Out there are future Presidents Award
recipients. Will it be you?
What you do matters more than you know, and it matters now more than
They say that
children are our future. I disagree. We are their future by the decisions we
make and the actions we take every day. Now is the time for action. Now is our
moment of truth. Now we need to shape the conversation about the future of
public education. It isn’t enough to simply inform people; we must convert them
to advocacy.
They say you can tell
a lot about what someone stands for by who they stand next to. I am proud to
stand next to you. Together, through NSPRA, it is our time to stand up for
children, stand up for public schools, and stand up for each other.
Thank you
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